Mole & Milia Removal
Moles are growths on the skin that are brown or black in colour. They are caused by collections of melanocytes (cells that produce melanin in the skin and are responsible for pigmentation). They appear from birth or at anytime in the first 30 years of a person's life, and can also appear after sun exposure or after pregnancy.
If a mole is changing in shape, size and colour or if it itches and bleeds, it may be a sign of something more sinister. Most moles, however, are not dangerous and can be removed easily.*
How to tell if a mole is dangerous?
A - Is there Asymmetry in the mole?
B - Is the Border of the mole irregular?
C - Is there a change in Colour of the mole or more than 1 shade/hue in a single mole?
D - Is the Diameter of the mole more than 5mm?
E - Is the mole Evolving or Elevated above skin surface?
Removal of Moles
There are essentially 2 methods of mole removal.
In the first and easier method, the mole is simply zapped off with laser or cautery. This can be done if the moles are small, multiple and are likely to be benign, which means histology is not necessary. This method leaves less scarring and downtime, and is the preferred method if all preceding conditions of the moles are met.*
The second method requires excision of the mole entirely before sending for histology, which tells whether the mole is benign or not. It is the method of choice if the mole looks suspicious or if you are anxious to be sure that it is indeed not cancer. This method, however, can be slightly more painful and potentially leaves a linear scar behind.*
Whether you have moles, skin tags, oil seeds or comedones, we have a way to remove them without leaving any sign behind.* With our expertise and gentle skill, we gently remove what is unsightly to you with minimal pain or scarring.*
Skin Tags
Skin tags are small flaps of tissue that hang off the skin by a stalk. These are not to be confused with warts, which are due to overproliferation of the outermost layer of skin, especially keratinocytes, due to infection by the human papillomavirus. They may also be removed by laser or excised if they are bigger in size.
Milia are white papules made of keratinatous cysts in the pores. This is different from closed comedones (or whiteheads) which are papules made of sebum in the pores.
Seborrheic keratoses, or "seborrheic warts", are dark and benign overgrowths of keratinocytes, which are found in the topmost layer of the skin. They are not viral warts either, as they are not caused by the human papillomavirus. You can tell that these are seborrheic keratoses by their distinctive "pasted-on" appearance.
All of these can be easily removed in the doctor's office as a quick and simple procedure of laser removal.*
To find out about our pricing or to book an appointment, please call 6338 9448, or SMS 9186 0805 (24h), or email us at today. You can also find us here.
*Note: As this is a medical procedure, results & outcomes are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Information provided serves as an educational guide & does not indicate that it is being offered. All medical procedures are done in an MOH approved medical clinic.